
Monday, October 29, 2012


Reasons not to use them     


Text Box: Be wise- never use drugs or alcohol
Drugs are things that, no one who wants to stay healthy should use. They deteriorate your brain. Some people may argue that alcohol is not bad since it is not a drug. Now there are two things wrong with that. First of all if it affects the way you think and act and process things while using it then, it is a drug. Second of all alcohol can cause severe damage to your body. It can cause liver damage, brain damage, and it can even kill you. Besides all the physical damage both can cause to you there are also mental damage. It can cause you to go into depression. You may get addicted to it and it may cause you to do things that you would never have done without it. Both also decrease performance in school. If you want to be successful one of the easiest things to do is, never use drugs or drink alcohol. If you say that you are not a person that cares about themselves physically then at least think of your children. You can develop alcoholism which can cause problems for babies. If you want to be a responsible parent then set the example. In general nothing good will happen under the effects of drugs or alcohol. Alcohol and drugs can ruin friendships and relationships. Under the effects of drugs and alcohol you might do things that will cause you to lose your freedom. You might end up in jail for years. You might lose respect from your peers and it might seriously affect your ability to be hired. Why use something that takes away from your ability to learn, gives you health problems, and greatly lowers you chance to be a successful person?
Text Box: If you want to be successful or healthy then don’t use alcohol or drugsRight Arrow: Choose the right and don’t use drugs or alcohol

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